Monday 12 November 2012

First World Problem

Dinner malam tadi with a friend, and well, I just can't help feeling annoyed when he didn't finish his veggies.
His reasoning, makcik tu kasi aku lauk yang tak fresh. Kasi yang dah siap masak awal-awal, tak panas, tak fresh. Ayam habis je? And end up him being annoyed with me nagging.

Kawan-kawan yang biasa makan dengan aku, harap maaf but yeah, I nag when it comes to this. Totally a 1st world problem. Somewhere around the globe, people would kill for food mates, and we're wasting them just because we don't feel like eating, it's not made to our liking, it's not fresh etc etc. Bukan salah sayur tu dia dimasak tak sedap/tak fresh etc dan kita terus nak campak masuk dalam tong sampah. Such a waste of rezeki. Ada hadith saying, habiskan every single bits in our plate cuz we don't know what bit will have barakah in it.

Few weeks back, I was being introduced to a bunch of memes which I was not really familiar with. Jarang go on 9GAG so tak tau sangat unless mana-mana yang appear kat wall orang post.
This particular one, I find quite interesting. The skeptical 3rd world child/kid.
Some are quite hilarious, but after some time reading the various posts people put up, it became apparent to me that it's really a funny, yet a sad joke. A sad joke on us, so called self-acclaimed 1st world people. Ada beberapa yang point out betapa pelik and bodoh actions yang 1st world people buat, and I kinda agree with it.

Sad, isn't it?

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