Was helping out the occupational therapist in Hospital Permai today to handle and teach the kids.
Quite a bunch of kids, so we were pretty exhausted.
This time, they came at the same time so it was hectic trying to control all of them.
And there was this one time when we were handling 2 kids, one with autism and the other, from the look of it, has ADHD. They couldn't stay put, especially the ADHD kid. They were running around and not following what we were saying and so, the OT lady asked me, "Zul, marah dorang sikit."
And I just smiled....
I don't know if this is a weakness or my strength, but I find it really hard to be angry at people.. even to fake one... It's like.. me trying to open up my eyes as wide as I can and tadaaa~ the widest I can open it is equivalent to a normal person's eye opening up normally.
Sometimes I can't find the reason why I should be angry with them. They were kids and I believe that they should be given the chance to explore their world at their own pace, whatever they wanted first.
But I guess such notion doesn't really apply to them. These kids have impaired focus and they'll shift their attention to something else with a snap. They are unpredictable. One minute they were playing with a drum, the next 5 seconds you'll see them hopping on the trampoline.
They need to be taught on how to focus, and so, discipline they'll need.
I wonder how will I teach my children in the future... Oh well, even to discipline myself is pretty tough..
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