Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem
And so I saw this advert and I just can't help feeling disgusted. The message that I get from the ad is this: women = enjoyment/entertainment. You just cannot miss it, right? Women are being put to such a low value and treated as materials, as marketing strategies, or worse, as toys. This is probably a very harsh word but if you look around and see what's happening in the world now, there are some truth in such a statement, isn't it?
It's like we are back in the Dark Ages. Women were then sex slaves where any man can go to just to satisfy his needs or wants. More of the latter, perhaps? They were not allowed to learn and were kept in the darkness of ignorance. They don't get the respect they deserve and their value were almost nonexistent. Prostitution was as old as time and it was acceptable even up to this modern age. You can say some were paid a large amount of money for all these (i.e. high class prostitution, advert models), but to me, that just brought them to an even lower level. It just mean that they can be bought.
The sad truth is, some women just want to be "bought", if you know what I mean. They try their best to make themselves a "bestseller" even at university level, high school level et cetera. There's a lot more in a lady than her body and external beauty, true?
Now Islam acknowledges the value of women. There is even a chapter in the Quran called An-Nisa', which means women. Prostitution and slavery were slowly being erased from the cultural norm of the Arab world back then and they were encouraged to learn. There was this famous hadith that tells us that we need to respect our mother three times more than the father. In terms of leadership, Islam acknowledge the role of women as the leader of the household.
In contrast to the Arab world in the Jahiliyyah period when they would feel as if the world has come to an end when they get a daughter, the Prophet said this,
"Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach adulthood - he and I will come (together) on the Day of Resurrection - and he interlaced his fingers (meaning in Paradise)." (Reported by Muslim).You get such a high privilege when you groom your daughters into well-mannered, solehah muslimahs because why, they will be the bearer of the next generations. The one whose in their hands are the future. They can change the world, you see.
There a lot of things to mention just to show how Islam put women at such a high level in the society. The point that I just wanted to stress in such a short post is that, there are a LOT more to women than just their physical attributes. Everyone needs to realize this, both men and women. The world needs new colors to it, don't you think? It's just too ugly, the way I see it. Love your sisters (appropriately), daughters, wife, and the highest in the list, your mother. Sisters, don't pay too much attention to your physique. Bring out the potentials in you, your inner beauty and you will shine a whole lot more. You not only can rock the baby to sleep, you can rock the world!
p/s: this kind of giving your nom de plume a different definition, ayte wifey? heheh. The Rocking Hijabi~
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