Wednesday, 28 November 2012

the dark side

Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem

If you are adivising someone, and you insist on seeing your advice taken, you are doing wrong since you could be mistaken and you would be insisting on him accepting you error and rejecting the truth.

-Ibn Hazm

Just posted this on FB, and it really is a reminder to me. 
Referring to previous post, I'm really really scared of myself lately, with the recent changes I'm seeing in me. 
I believe it is good to be firm with what I think, but I'm afraid that I'll always believe that what I'm thinking is right, and worse, imposing that belief to others without really knowing if that is right or wrong. 
It's a balance that I need to keep, not to fall over to the dark side. 
Something that's bugging me, but alhamdulillah, Allah made me aware of such disease of the heart, 
so I hope I'll grow mature out of this trial of mine. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, please. I need to have someone to pull me back down to earth when I'm really full of myself, probably with air, like a tin can, that I'll float aimlessly. Someone, anyone... 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem

Today I can't help but feel that the world is really ugly. I can't see why people find it so fulfilling and beautiful. It's just a mask concealing such a hideous face of humanity.
We've been discussing about HIV and prostitutions and hard-to-reach group for medical interventions and what triggered my thoughts was when my lecturer said that prostitutions exists since day one the world existed and we can't do anything to stop it, we can't ban it, so what we should do is to control it.

I can't imagine how those prostitutes feel after they had their job done. Do they really enjoy it?
Well, some are forced to do it, through poverty and exploitation, and that's a problem we need to actively try to solve. But those who are doing it out of pleasure, I wonder if pleasure is what they actually get. Physically, yes, we do need it but the deeper meaning of pleasure is not physical. Deep inside, pretty sure they'll feel empty and alone and there is no sense of satisfaction at all. All for the short term pleasure of others, perhaps, which poses a lot bigger problem.

I simply can't see why she said that. Yes, a she. How can a woman agree that prostitution is acceptable and not worth fighting against? I see no position for prostitution in any country around the world. It resulted from a problem, which escalates pretty quickly to a bigger problem. Our society, global society, really, is very very sick.

Prostitution, doesn't just affect teenagers and young girls. Getting married early is not exactly the solution anyway to combat such things. And it can also pose a great threat to marriages. A spouse might not be satisfied with his/her partner hence, they'll look for it elsewhere since it is available, legal or not legal, be it through prostitution, or from whoever they got to know with. The bigger problem, fall of the marriage institution. The instability of such thing robs the stability of the society, and in the end, it made the problem even worse.

The solution that kept on being proposed in the seminar, sex education. Really, I'm not against this. I'm actually for it. But I don't agree with the statement that my friend voiced out, and agreed by the lecturer. School is the best place for such education. No it's not. It's back to the family institution! Who else could be a better guider, a better teacher than the mother to her daughter, and the father to the son? Why couldn't the children consult their parents about sexual issues, social issues or if there's any problem "down there"? Why can't they?

Well, I believe children don't feel welcomed to do so. Parents can appear unwilling, or rather, they don't even have time for their children. Perhaps not even proper family bond is present. Or perhaps, even worse, the parents are the one who's abusing the children, be it sexually or any other way, which escalates the problem even further. Some parents simply are not comfortable, or don't know how, which is really understandable, and really, what it takes is the right mindset for the parents, and proper education.

It's really sick and ugly, isn't it? People are just too greedy for fame and fortune that they neglect their children. People are too greedy for pleasure that they can't let go of it totally, e.g. prostitutions, smoking etc etc. even when they can see it's a problem. Probably most are unable to comprehend why such issues are big problems, or perhaps they can't see how it affected their own lives. Or perhaps, it's the diffusion of responsibiliy theory. You saw the problem, everyone saw it, but nobody gives a damn to do something cuz well, somebody else should/could/would have done it, aye?

I do agree that sex education is important, but the overall education, the holistic tarbiyyah is much much more important. Morale, akhlaq, worldview.. these are really important aspects that we need to think about in nurturing the future kids. We are not just responsible for our lives, and also not just for our immediate children's lives, but we must believe that we do hold such great potentials in changing how the world is in perhaps 20 to 40 years ahead, probably even 100 years ahead of us. It's what we do today that matters. We are not insignificant to others. Believe in that.

We are not ugly.

Warm regards,

Sunday, 25 November 2012


Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem

Ramadhan baru-baru ni, alhamdulillah ada improvement dalam tilawah.
Ramadhan sebelumnya sekadar dapat habiskan satu Quran, tapi kali ni alhamdulillah berjaya habiskan beserta dengan baca terjemahan. Based on that, macam dapat overall picture of apa isi Quran sebenarnya.

And one peculiar thing that I noticed adalah, sangat sangat sangat banyak kali diulang kisah Nabi Musa dan Firaun in various parts of the Quran. Ada yang lain sikit gaya cerita, but each bearing reminder yang berbeza or reinforcing the story itself.

Satu benda buat ku tertanya-tanya setelah cerita tu diulang-ulang.
Nabi Musa minta Allah untuk utus bersama baginda Nabi Harun, sebab baginda mengaku lidahnya tak fasih berhujah. The question is, throughout the Quran, sangat jarang dengan dialog Nabi Harun. Kebanyakannya adalah Nabi Musa yang berhujah dengan Firaun.

"Dan saudaraku Harun, dia lebih fasih lidahnya daripadaku, maka utuslah dia bersama-samaku sebagai penyokong yang mengakui kebenaranku; sesungguhnya aku bimbang bahawa mereka akan mendustakan daku."

Al Qasas 28:34

The significance of the ayat to me is that, aku selalu rasa aku tak fasih bercakap. Selalu rasa frust bila tak dapat nak convey apa sebenarnya yang aku nak cakap. People often got confused, or got bored sebab tak faham-faham aku nak cakap apa sebenarnya. Asyik pusing-pusing point yang sama. Selalu frust and disheartened untuk bawak usrah especially. Selalu rasa nak menyorok dan biar orang lain bercakap. Biar orang lain yang lead dan aku mencelah bila rasa mampu.

Tadabbur ku dari ayat tu, ialah, sekalipun tak reti, Allah akan tolong insyaaAllah. Boleh jadi Allah bagi teman yang akan tolong, tapi macam mana pun, aku sendiri yang kena cakap dan convey the message. Kena cuba. Kena latih untuk bercakap. Dan alhamdulillah, aku sedang berubah sedikit demi sedikit. Cantik sangat do'a Nabi Musa untuk mintak Allah lancarkan lisan dia.

Maka, tak ada alasan untuk tidak bercakap. Harus minta pada Allah segala penyelesaian, tapi sendiri jangan lupa untuk act it out. Penyelesaian tak datang bergolek. Harus berusaha!

being me,


Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem

Lately ni aku rasa macam mudah annoyed dengan orang.
Buat aku terasa aku ego, bila rasa annoyed benda tak berlaku seperti yang aku faham.
As if aku je yang betul.
Especially dalam kelas.
Annoyed dengan orang-orang yang aku pasti dorang tahu jawapan tapi bila lecturer tanya semua membatu.
Aku dulu macam tu, tapi sejak 3rd year, aku dah berubah dan main jawab tak kira betul atau tak, as long as aku ada basis or reasoning for that answer la. Aku main jawab so that kalau salah, aku tahu mana patut aku betulkan. And aku tak jawab, kalau aku betul-betul blur, which is the case bila 4th year ni. huhu.

Satu perubahan yang ku tak sure satu benda yang bagus atau tak.
Sebelum ni I was really timid. Senyap dan tak bersuara sangat.
Now, in a way, satu benda bagus sebab aku terasa makin firm dengan apa yang aku fikir, rather than macam lalang and indecisive macam dulu. Sekarang pun dalam proses nak kurangkan penggunaan "kot", "macam", "like", "kinda" dan frasa-frasa yang seumpamanya, sebab membuatkan ayat-ayatku berbunyi tak yakin dan tak firm. Thanks to my beloved wife yang kerap tegur whenever I do that. Alhamdulillah. A positive change, I believe, sebab macam mana nak lead family kalau sendiri tak firm dalam keputusan. But yeah, masih belum cukup matang dalam benda ni. Aku terlebih technical, most of the time, without really thinking pasal benda lain. I'll get there insyaaAllah, ayte?

Dan sekarang rasa makin berani voice out apa yang aku fikir, so that orang tahu apa aku fikir, dan mengharapkan orang pun akan convey apa mereka rasa, supaya sama-sama boleh belajar. Mungkin ini hikmah Allah hidangkan aku dengan ujian berat some time ago. Mengajar untuk aku open up dan voice out apa aku rasa, dengan yakin dan hujah yang cukup kuat.

Drawback yang ku rasa sekarang, since now kalau voice out something, ku ada reasoning sendiri kenapa ku fikir macam tu, sampaikan terasa macam apa yang ku fikirkan tu adalah betul, sampai terasa macam mempertikaikan pandangan orang lain. Mungkin juga sebab pandangan aku kadang-kadang diterima.
Atau mungkin orang lain jadi timid, so tak voice out apa mereka rasa maka terima je. Atau mungkin gaya aku cakap as if dari awal tak nak terima so orang menyampah nak counter dan terima je?
Paling aku tak nak adalah the latter. Paling tak nak cara aku cakap jadi punca orang tak nak voice out, sebab the reason aku voice out pun adalah untuk dengar pandangan orang lain. Sangat-sangat harap that's not the case.

Perhaps it's my ego? Am I developing my ego..?

being me,

Monday, 12 November 2012

First World Problem

Dinner malam tadi with a friend, and well, I just can't help feeling annoyed when he didn't finish his veggies.
His reasoning, makcik tu kasi aku lauk yang tak fresh. Kasi yang dah siap masak awal-awal, tak panas, tak fresh. Ayam habis je? And end up him being annoyed with me nagging.

Kawan-kawan yang biasa makan dengan aku, harap maaf but yeah, I nag when it comes to this. Totally a 1st world problem. Somewhere around the globe, people would kill for food mates, and we're wasting them just because we don't feel like eating, it's not made to our liking, it's not fresh etc etc. Bukan salah sayur tu dia dimasak tak sedap/tak fresh etc dan kita terus nak campak masuk dalam tong sampah. Such a waste of rezeki. Ada hadith saying, habiskan every single bits in our plate cuz we don't know what bit will have barakah in it.

Few weeks back, I was being introduced to a bunch of memes which I was not really familiar with. Jarang go on 9GAG so tak tau sangat unless mana-mana yang appear kat wall orang post.
This particular one, I find quite interesting. The skeptical 3rd world child/kid.
Some are quite hilarious, but after some time reading the various posts people put up, it became apparent to me that it's really a funny, yet a sad joke. A sad joke on us, so called self-acclaimed 1st world people. Ada beberapa yang point out betapa pelik and bodoh actions yang 1st world people buat, and I kinda agree with it.

Sad, isn't it?